- August 2024: I attended the Ecological Society of America meeting 2024 in Long Beach, CA. I presented a poster on my ORISE post-doc work: "Hurricane disturbance and the growth-mortality trade-off of Caribbean trees". stay tuned for more on this project.
- January 2024: Work form my post-doctoral time at Jeremy Lichstein's lab at the University of Florida Department of Biology (in collaboration with Grant Domke - USDA Forest Service NRS, Dan Johnson also at University of Florida and Kai Zhu at University of Michigan) is out in PNAS: Climate change determines the sign of productivity trends in US forests. See UF news and U Michigan news releases.
- November 2023: In collaboration with Jason Vlemickx, Simon Queenborough and Liza Comita (Yale) and folks at the Yasuní Forest dynamics plot in Ecuador (Renato Valencia, Nancy Garwood and Margaret Metz), a recently published study in New Phytologist documents the negative effects of warming (increasing nighttime minimum temperatures) and increasing relative humidity on tropical tree flower production.
- Do you have leaf gas exchange data you want to archive so others can use them?
- Check out Kim Ely, Alistar Rodgers et al.'s reporting format. Links to their GitHub and example datasets are on the publications tab.